Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy vibes

Back back back back back :D

First happy thing! Ofcccccc I finally met up with my army boy after so long, on last Sunday. Could only see him for one day and for this week also one day :( Buttttt... good thing is that he has 4 days leave during the Christmas period, YAY!!! :D Kekekekeke <3 

In case you are wondering if I asked him to kiss me in photos. HAHA I don't!!! I never ask him to pose during photo times unless I want him to try certain funny expressions or for self keep purposes haha, if not he will just do his own facial expressions. Teehee so these are really unexpected kisses, boys are so cute when they do that :) Anddddd I'm fairer than him now woohooooooo :P 

Wanted to bring him to a nearby dessert place but........ we overshot the bus stop and thus we do not have enough time to make it back as the boy has to leave house at like 4pm! So... after our lunch we just head back to his house to pack his army stuffs and get ready to book in :( SOBS! And did I mention that he is so cute and attractive when he is so serious folding his army uniform?! The whole time he was packing, I was just at the side staring at him hehehe! Simple joy <3 & then, even till now, goodbyes are still so hard to say and till now I will still tear whenever I have to say goodbye to him, sigh!!!! "Where's the good in goodbye~~~ where's the nice in nice try~~" haha the song.

Ok next happy thing was that my sister and I went over to my auntie's house yesterday to visit the babies!!! :D It's quite hard to see my only niece and my baby nephew which is her brother because the family seldom appear during our family gatherings cause I think it is quite troublesome to bring babies over, thus we shall go over to see them! Haha they are too cute!

Look at this joy over here!!! She is so joyful and it's so happy to be around her! She's so smiley and small LOL! She is really petite but her appetite is crazy. She can't stop eating HAHAHA! Like whatever people eat, she will want to eat. She ate her portion of rice and then my noodles and then countless biscuits and bread and drank her milk... omggggg I look at how she ate and I was damn full for her.

She's very good infront of the camera man, all these are her own facial expressions, I didn't even tell her to change or whatever, she just knows how to do it, DUPER CUTE!! :) And then I was playing the PHHHOTO app with them and they can't stop laughing at the after effects and were so amazed and excited to try again! They took like tons of it but I only posted a few if not my whole app's gonna be flooded lol!

Oh yah other than my niece and baby nephews, there are 3 more nephews in that house haha!! So total 5 kiddos! It gets so noisy and hard to manage at times and really need to clap for my aunt who takes care of them most of the days!

He will only laugh and smile when my auntie and uncle talks to him.... other than that, just emotionless hahaahaha!

Don't you feel like pinching his cheeks and chin??????? <3

Tadah my baby nephew!! Hehee he is so cute with his hair cut lol! His cheeks and chin are so chubby!!! I kept pinching them the whole day aiyooooooo :) Carried him also, awwww! The funny thing is that he can't lie or sit still for long cause he will cry after some time and then whenever he cries, we will let him read storybooks and he will keep quiet immediately and looked at the storybooks damn seriously! We gave him a lot of storybooks to look at and he really didnt cry for that long period of time and when we took the storybook away, boom, he cried again haha!!

Moral of the story, we caught up with 2 cutie pies that made us very happy that day :D

// it's happy times like these that you just want to throw away and heck care all the bad times or negative people in your life who doesn't cherish you the way they said they would. Current life quote that I live by now, "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." I just want to be happy with what I've got and a happy person who only cares about happy things and happy people because I've come to terms that people have their own life to live and people will not always be there for you like they used to be. Forgive but never forget.//


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