Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Before 2014 ends....

It's just approximately 6 more hours to 2015! Can't believe that another year just gone by like that. Sooooo many people have complained that 2014 has been a very very bad year for them. For me, I kinda forget all the bad things that have happened to me this year. I think I had gone through some bad stuffs but I can't remember haha! While there is a saying that goes, "God will not give you a problem that you can't solve." - not the exact quote but it's sth along that line. And it's true, whatever problems and obstacles there are, we somehow managed to get past them and a few months later we would be looking back and feeling thankful that bad times are gone. There's another quote that goes like this, "Whatever bad day it is, there are only 24 hours of it." ISIT? Haha again, not the exact one cause I'm lazy to go find the exact one but yah you get my point!!!! Just chill and go through every shitty obstacles and tadah!! OVERRRRR!!!!! What I can remember is that 2014 hasn't been very happening? and I'm not very happy most of the time? like more thoughts than other years. Which is bad! So may 2015 be better though I'm afraid of 2015 cause it means new beginning, new goals, new expectations and everything new! Gosh.... sounds stressful.

Talking about 2014 being a very bad year, it indeed is for the world, especially Malaysia with 3 plane accidents! MH370, MH17 and now QZ8501. Sigh... what's happening to the airplanes?? :( It really instill fear in me and makes me really paranoid about taking planes already. I remembered explaining the word hijack to my pri2 tutee and I explained it by giving him a scenario of baddies trying to take over the plane, etc. And he was very scared and worried as he often fly to Philippines and he kept asking me if the planes to Philippines are safe. I was quite guilty for quoting such a scary example to him, oops! But yea, an explanation about a plane being hijacked can cause fear in a p2 kid, let alone a real plane disaster that really happened.

I admit I have not been very updated with all the world news and I barely know any. Yes, ignorant, living in my own world. Sigh it's bad considering that I thought my own problems are bad enough when there are obviously much more to worry about for the world. Damnit! My problems are like insignificant as compared to the world's. After watching the videos of how the family members of the QZ8501 victims reacted to the bad news, I can feel the ache in my heart like ouch! I really couldn't imagine the immense agony and pain they are going through. The accident happened on 28th Dec, flying towards Singapore somemore. Can you imagine? Some passengers may be flying to Singapore, wanting to spend the last few days of 2014 or even countdown to a brand new year with their loved ones? Or idk what. But just suddenly, they died just like that. I cannot. I also cannot imagine how the passengers were reacting when the plane was experiencing abnormalities. That helplessness, that anxiousness, that shitty feeling of death approaching! ARGH! I genuinely feel sorry for them and I really hope that the family members will stay strong!

I, myself, experienced that pain of losing someone so suddenly so I know exactly how much pain and shock they are going through. But I think for them, the pain are tripled or even worse... 2014 hasn't been very good after recalling all the disasters that had happened. It may not be bad to me individually but when it's bad for the world, you will also feel that it's a bad year for you. May 2015 be much better, safer, happier! Oh yes, one resolution for myself this coming 2015 is to TRY to be updated with the world news? Like at least try to read the news everyday on my phone? Instead of scrolling through twitter and instagram to read about ppl's life, haha. It's easier said than done but I hope I try! :) Jiayou.

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