Monday, December 8, 2014

My 100th post

Another weekend has passed and yep as usual, spent them with my recruit lim. Last Friday, we went to his friend's 21st bday party at Tree Loft Hotel at rws, wow the hotel was niceeeee! :) The princess bed was even nicer, so spacious and comfyyyyyy! Like usual, the guys would play drinking games at night and it sure was a hell of a joke!!! It was so entertaining just by looking at them and the one friend who got drunk spout so much nonsense!! Hahahaha actually I'm always laughing at that one friend cause everything he said is a joke! The vulgarities that he used is of a whole new level, definitely not something that normal people will use and I'm glad I get to listen to his version cause it was freaking funny, I can't evennnnnnnnn describe! HAHA! So yep, the girls joined for some games as well and seeing my baby's nonsensical side whenever he's with his friends is also another interesting thing. Ok lah not so interesting cause ofc I've seen that side of him before but just very nice to see that side of him haha!! He was so cock and full of rubbish that his friends couldn't tahan him as well and I had to cover his mouth LOL! Also, the whole night he was talking about army stuffs with his guy friends and I just listened haha. Now I understand why some girlfriends will say that it will get boring listening to their stories cause they will seriously talk about it nonstop!!!!! LOL some of the stories I heard him say for like a lot of times already!! But no complaints lah, so nice to see him all hyped up and excited to share the stories with them :) Also, glad that some of his friends made an effort to include me in the conversation though still gulps! HAHA. Ok yep, so we stayed overnight at the hotel and yay chubz and I got to sleep on the bed!! Awesome!! We shared the bed with another couple as well, it was that big~ Hehe and I got to fall asleep in his arms once again :)

Then Saturday was spent having dinner with him and watched The Pyramid! It was okok lah, not too bad imo? It was kinda exciting and scary when the researches were stuck in the pyramid running away from the monsters!!! Baby and I were like hugging each other so tightly!! HAHA! My sister watched it and said it was very lame, bleh!!! Then Sunday we had breakfast together and spent some cuddle time together before he had to book in :( Always appreciate breakfast time with him hehe!! <3 He is currently in his Field Camp now, which lasts for 4 long days and from what his experienced friends said, field camp is the most hiong and jialat thing in the bmt days and it will seriously make them a man! LOL! Cause they are totally cut out from the outside world, meaning no using of handphones and then they had to eat food rations and biscuits and do all sorts of physically draining exercises!! And his friends even warned me that he may become thinner after field camp :( Sobs, heart pain! But then, I'm glad that he got bigger and tanner ever since he entered army hehe! Though he kept complaining how tan he is, I'm liking it so much :D Hehehe tan is nice what! But his tan days won't last cause he will become fair very soon, maybe after his pop! Right now, I'm just wondering how is he doing in his field camp :( Wondering if he is tired from it... hungry? uncomfortable? muscle aching?? And what not. Can't even text during these 4 days so I'm hoping for friday to come soon! And then.... I think for this week he can only book out on Sunday morning and then book in in the evening.. what the shit :( Sobs! :( Nonetheless, just really hope to hear from him soon!

Alright, then what have I been doing these days? Haha!!! Weekend will ofc be filled with activities be it with my boy or family! So weekends are done. Weekdays? Haha if I'm not out then I'm at home cuddled up on my bed and watching shows!!! I've watched Miracle in Cell No.7, Wreck it Ralph, Horrible Bosses 1, If I Stay and Jessabelle so far! A lot of movies eh? :D It's nice to watch movies cause each and every one gives you different feeling and enlightenment (for some) after that. But most of the time I'm just catching up on Pretty Little Liars :D Envy the girls' friendship man, so close knitted! Really need those type of girlfriends as well. I'm totally loving these stay home days man :) Why won't I be bored of stay home days? I don't know either. Home is just the best place to be! & I'm glad I can say that <3 Well, tomorrow I'm heading out with my sisters! Woolalala~ Sisters are the best people you can turn to whenever you are sick of things or just sick of other people. Yay :)

Hope you guys are having fun this holiday :D Don't waste it!

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