Saturday, March 28, 2015

Last Farewell to Mr Lee

On Thursday, my family and I headed down to the CCK tribute centre to pay our respect to Mr Lee Kuan Yew. We also wrote notes and wrote in the book for Mr Lee. I saw so many notes of appreciation, lots of flowers and gifts for Mr Lee which was really heart warming. Like I said, being the 90s kid, I really don't know how much of a good influence Mr Lee is to the nation and even outside Singapore and how respectful he is to the people. So through all these small yet big actions, it really showed a lot a lot.

Following that, on Friday which was yesterday, my family and I went down to queue at the Padang to again pay our last respect to Mr Lee. We waited for a total of 8.5 hours to get to bow to him. The queuing time was not the main point, it is like an expected thing if you want to pay respect to him. 

What's humbling was the whole atmosphere and it kinda shocked me. The whole crowd was very gracious and orderly like wow, since when? Haha no offence but really what, you don't see such patient crowd in our daily lives like the queue for public transport etc. So I was quite shocked by the level of civic-mindedness displayed. There were very minimal pushing and shoving which is the most irritating part when it comes to queuing up for things and people took care of one another. The whole atmosphere just felt very very homely and warm. I was really glad to have experienced this once in a lifetime thing with the other over 1 million(or even more) Singaporeans. 

Not forgetting, the army people and volunteers were constantly ensuring our safety, our comfort and our needs. They are constantly checking on us and constantly giving out water, cardboards for us to fan ourselves, bread, biscuits, umbrella when it started to drizzle, packet drinks, cold apples, tissue paper, and on other days even cakes, pens, etc etc. Really a big thank you to them for their effort!! A thousand big thumbs up.

A usual scene of Singaporeans queuing up is pushing and complaining. But none were shown, wow. I believe everybody genuinely wants to queue and go to the Parliament house to pay respect to Mr Lee. Though some gave up and went home. Which brings me to the next point that made me felt angry. 

People actually see the whole "queuing up to pay respect to mr lky" as a trend which put them off, what the shit?!?! That is the meanest thing to say!!! WHAT TREND?!?! Think what?!! People want to get popular by queuing 5 hours or 8 hours or 10 hours ah? Who will be so lame?!?! Who so free to waste time?!?! It's not like you are not a Singaporean, will most Singaporeans queue so long for a few seconds thing meh? Will most singaporeans not complain for waiting so long meh? Siao what trend, so disrespectful not only to Mr Lee but also to the people who genuinely want to show their appreciation for Mr Lee. This queuing up to pay respect thing is the minimal we can do as a citizen to say our last goodbye and thank you to someone so important to Singapore. So shame on you dudes, everything good or bad people do, sure got sth to say tsktsk. So sick and tired.

The long wait was really worth it and is nothing compared to the whole life that Mr Lee dedicated to Singapore. The moment when I stepped into the Parliament house and walked past his coffin, a strong surge of sadness overwhelmed me. I was again quite shocked by myself. Because Mr Lee, who I don't know personally had suddenly become someone I knew for a very long time, like my kin and I was really sad that he has passed on. That sadness was indescribable. Seeing so many people kneeling down ,bowing and shedding tears for him was really heart-wrenching and it again showed how successful and how respectable he is as a father of Singapore :( He took his whole life to build Singapore and only one week to unite the whole Singapore. Amazing!! Yes, people will say why only cherish when he is gone? It's because when he is still alive, there were not many documentaries being played about him for us younger generation to see and so we were not aware and took things for granted. But now that he has passed on, clips were being played and we got to know so much more about him.

Also, after watching the news/documentary of Mr Lee and about the queue at the Padang on tv just now, I really got to know more about him and very glad that I get to be one of the few million Singaporeans who went down to sincerely pay respect to him. His speeches were always very interesting and strong, his visions were very clear and whatever he said he want to achieve are all achieved years later. A very very wise, humble and capable man indeed. 

So thank you, thank you and thank you to our founding father, the first Prime Minister as well as the architect of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, for your determination, your contributions and your life in transforming Singapore to how it is right now. No words can suffice and  I hope you can see how much admiration, how much respect and how much appreciation we have for you. Rest in Peace and reunite with your wife above, Sir! You will always be in our memory and will always live in our hearts. :')

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rest In Peace

And during this period, the nation grieves over the death of our founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

I'm not a very politics or history kinda person so I do not know exactly the sacrifices and contributions that he did for Singapore. But recently, so many people have been posting related stories all over the social media platforms so more or less I got to know more about him. 

One point that I agree is that right now, I'm happy with my life and there's nothing I need to complain about. This makes him a successful leader who helped to transform Singapore from a third world country to a first world country. 

Simple things like: I get to wake up everyday in a peaceful country, I can go home late at night safely, I can leave my belongings in public for a period of time without having all my things stolen when I return, I can get to places with different modes of transportation easily, I get to receive education and even the fact that I have a home. 

All these wouldn't be possible if not for our pioneer generation and forefathers. I'm thankful to be reaping the benefits of what they painstakingly sow and there's never a day that I want to emigrate to another country, like really. I would love to travel around the world but ultimately, I'll still want to return somewhere I call home, Singapore. 

There will definitely be naysayers regarding this matter and obviously there will be bad and good sides to every thing/person but seriously, he has done a lot a lot for Singapore and he deserves our respect, especially Singaporeans'. 
{ So thank you Sir, for all that you have done for Singapore.
Singapore wouldn't have come this far without Yew!
Rest in Peace. }
#thankyouLKY #rememberingLKY 

// that being said. why do we always take things for granted. why does the nation only get united when such things happen? why do we only start to appreciate things/people when it's/they're gone. //

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Time is passing so fast everyday and right now it's the intense period where everybody is busy mugging/studying for the upcoming final year examination!! Gulpssss breathe in breathe out!!!

Have been thinking a lot lately and this semester's result will either make it or break it seriously man. However, I already sort of have a goal for myself? Like I hope I can improve to this particular grade for this semester as the huge improve will really mean a lot to me? Though ultimately, my real desired result is another result haha. Butttttt abit too high to attain looking at my current result. Sigh, 

I believe many people are studying their asses off for many reasons and one of them is probably to reach the expected gpa to qualify for the one sem student exchange. Yes, I'm aiming for it too but hahah that result is the desired but hard to attain result that I mentioned above. So..... I have sort of come to terms with it that if I can't reach it then so be it. At the very least I have to continue to improve from my previous gpa and that's what's most important currently! I need to see at least some improvements if not..... I think my heart will break...... real serious.

I've seen people who went for exchange and come back and like no big changes? During their exchange ofc they will post lots of beautiful pictures etc etc. But when they come back then like... nth already. They didn't talk much about it or so. It's just another added experience to themselves. As for those who didn't go, I also see that their life also normal just that they will be quite lonely when all their other friends are off for exchange. One example, my sister. She was accepted to go for the student exchange but last minute due to some stuffs she cancelled the offer and then ok what. Like we are still going to a lot of other countries on our own etc. Perhaps it's the rich experience from the one sem student exchange that entice people. However, almost everything in Singapore also requires a certain mark to be eligible to go this and that and that's so bad and unhealthy but no choice.

So.......... moral of the story is... I just need to keep improving on my own gpa and whether I get to go, it's another thing. I still can go to those countries next time whatttttt. Maybe can't go for the one semester exchange but can go the summer 6 weeks exchange? :) I must at least get to THAT gpa at the end of my 4 years haha!! Jiayou jiayou oh my goodness !! Everytime you ponder about such things and it actually makes you excited to study right??! Feel me? Hahaha but that drive will only last for about half an hour till the next time you think about it again HAHHA oops :P

Cutie daily encouragement :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

My 20 Birthday + My 4th Year Anniversary

10 March marks the start of another new beginning!

It is the most important day of my life because it's the day that I'm born right obviously hahha and also it's the day to celebrate another year with my love.

Like many people will think, it is so lousy for a guy to ask a girl to be his gf on her birthday, it's cliche, no effort, save money, etc hahaha!! I find it hilarious but I never once mind about all these.

I don't really care the date actually, it's about the moment. 

At that moment, at that instance, since he got the courage and feel(?) to ask you to be his gf and if you want to then accept lah. Haha still care date for what. I think maybe I accepted him on 11 March leh, but I forgot...  but I think 10 mach havent over bah... aiya dk lah oops!! :P

However, this year I suddenly thought about it. Every year, on 10 March, it is a double happiness day for me since 2011. & it felt really good, like not only do I celebrate my birthday but I celebrate my love as well. Not only does 10 March is important to me, it is also equally important to him. 

It just feels magical like as if when you are born, you are fated to be with the love of your life 
*adds in some magic sparkles*
HHAHAHAH eh play along leh..... don't disgusted leh.... 
Trying to put myself into some fairytale~~~ :P

Ok but on a serious note, I realised that I can never ever ever forget this guy who shared happiness and joy with me on every 10 March, celebrating our relationship together. It's like whenever 10 March arrives, it just signify my birthday as well as our anniversary. No one knows what will happen in the future, but I can never forget this date being a double happiness date and somehow if anything bad happens, it is actually a very cruel thing..... come to think of it :( 

I guess I will never be really happy on 10 March if anything bad happens hahhahaha! BUT CHOY!!!! Just saying :P Don't worry, I got confidence in this cause he gave me the confidence.
I hope I will never ever have the chance to forget this very important person in my life, Sebastian Lim.

So unless you are gonna be faithful, loyal and thinking of going all the way with your girl, then don't pop the question on her bday!! HAHA


Celebrated our anniversary and my birthday 1 day in advance! We don't really have a separate celebration for my bday and our anni, it's just a tgt thing! If not so mafan and I don't need that lah, easily pleased gf over here :P

Went to The Poodle Cafe as I saw many good reviews and cute dogs in the cafe.

But unfortunately, there were not many dogs as well as customers on a Monday! So it was only us and later another couple came, haha wts. 

The cafe was rather small but quite nice lah cause so pinkish and princessy!

The most hyper dog? 

There are like 4 poodles and they will always be there cause poodle cafe mah~ Then depending on the period you go/depends on our luck, you will see other dogs. I think cny and xmas season quite good, like there will be a lot of dogs! You get to feed them also leh, so with a lot of dogs it's damn fun and awesome!! 

Thought the food was gonna be meh but it turned out yummy!!!! I think the Fish & Chip is the best dish.

Captured these cute shots haha the poodle so cute hor? :) It kept going under our table and sat there very obediently hehe so cuteeee. Then the staffs there also made them do some tricks for us to see if not I think we will be quite bored haha

Feel free to carry them as well. Woohoo I managed to get the poodle up on the chair next to me and bf was attracting his attraction with lasagna to capture this shot hahaha :P Hope to go back again when there are more doggies??? :( But the thing is you wouldn't know when there will be a lot of dogssssssss

After that we went to watch Kingsmen like finally at The Cathay! Nice movie :) Then we went to take queue number for Hai Di Lao, waiting time 1.5 hours....... 

While waiting, we went over to Scape to try Pong. Normal laahhhhhhhh

And tadah!!! The long enticipated Hai Di Lao!! So happy that I finally tried it kekeke :D 
We chose the Chicken + Mala soup combo, which seems like the most popular choice~ 
I want to try tomato soup base the next time, also another popular one but the chicken is like a must? to balance the flavour out. And I like the soup, good soup just captures my heart and stomach :)

Ordered quite a few dishes I don't know how many though. YUMMY I would say. The service is really good as well and the staffs are very very friendly!! Not bad leh :)

Haha the noodle dance~ 

Thanks love for cooking, serving and treating me for this whole meal hehe <3 Our meal amounted to $80! I would say ok lah not so bad actually :)

Very angsty boy who kept "scolding" me to stop using my phone but I want take photos and videos mah.... hahaha :P love youuuuuuu

Then on the actual day, baby came over to my house for dinner with my family. I had school till 630 so cannot go out have fun plus need to spend time with family and cut cake with family <3

Haha had quite a sumptuous meal with abalones somemore, yumzz I like abalonesssssss cause super nice to chew keke.

Cake cutting!! 
I was still asking my mother why only got 2 candles, I thought they just agar agar put 2 cause like what most of us will do for our friends if it's a last minute thing and also for our closed ones who are like older luh then just put 1 candle instead of so many for their age haha. 

Then after a few seconds I realised it means 20..... oh... that kena owned moment of realisation....
kns old liao lahhhhhhh...... I still want that 1 big candle with many small candles !!! :( HAHA

Bad lousy quality cause we used my mom's note 3 camera.

Haha the camera is in selfie mode then we got the bluetooth controller to click snap for the picture without having to set timer or use selfie stick, then idiot boy kept spamming all my unglams!!!

Anyway glad to still have you by my side all these years and for my bdays :)

Le Familia <3

Fav photo of the day haha!! HAPPINESS LEH!!! :D 
(ps, look at my dad.....)

Then it was prize presentation time HAHAH!! 

Pardon my home clothes :P 

Shocked at my photo frame :P blehhhh and also laughing cause it's quite big for him to bring home ahhaha

Explaining to him that every photo means sth!!!

Some ugly candids hahahah :P

MUA MUA <33333

What it means:

We have been through several ups and downs,
 we had our quality time, 
we had new experiences together, 
we had been through different milestones together, 
we cooked together, 
we had heart to heart talks, 
we feast together, 
we had our lovey dovey moments, 
and we also stick to each other through sickness and health.

// don't know how to phrase all these nicely lah, but yea that's my message behind those photos that I chose, not anyhow one lehhhh! //

Hehe he once said that he like photo frames of us!
 I gave him one last time

It's still on his table~ so now I gave him an upsized version and he will be hanging it on his wall! Hope it will be nice hehe gonna go his house to see it soon :D

He gave me a handwritten card (which is like the card that he gave me the first time on my bday with his confessions and question inside!) HEHE. that nostalgic feeling. He actually remembers a lot of small details about us in the past man.

 Really thank you so much for staying and growing up with me, I'm more than blessed and thankful to have you :) 
A simple and blissful love is all I need <3

"I want to grow old with you"
 :') me too dearest....

Advanced Bday Party

2015's bday was the most mundane one out of these few years?
My bday felt so rush and fast!! I didn't have time to enjoy it myself! :(
But well, it's okay I still had a fairly enjoyable time :D

As usual, my sec sch girls organised a small bday celebration for me haha!!
Thanks girls :)

BBQ over at Sm's bf's condo. Haha they said that my bday parties are always held at ppl's bf's condo... wth..... But great that I just do the eating and not the cooking hehe. Thanks ah peeps!! :)

CocoExotic forever siaaaaaa hahah since eons ago till now whenever I see this cake, I feel like vomiting LOL! Quite sick of it already ahh..... time for a change people! But appreciate it very much, from the time I said this cake is my favourite cake, they have been buying this cake for me haha and also my other friends as well :') 

Mandatory clique shots!!! <3 Still thank you all for the effort to spend time to celebrate my bday :) Glad that it was full attendance that day :D

What's us without ugly shots?!?! 
But those 3 girls at the bottom need to maintain with their pose ah.... 

Potential girl gang? HAHAHA!!! 
I think my face can make it sia... my usual pekcek face :P

Hehehe so niceeeee! :) Thank you everyone for this celebration and also the presents!!! :)
Though didn't catch up a lot but we sure had a crazy time with the games, hahah!
Hope we didn't really scare the guys..... :P

Not forgetting, thank you all for the Marc by Marc Jacobs laptop case and macarons!!
LOVE YOU ALL!! :) <3
