Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Rest In Peace

And during this period, the nation grieves over the death of our founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

I'm not a very politics or history kinda person so I do not know exactly the sacrifices and contributions that he did for Singapore. But recently, so many people have been posting related stories all over the social media platforms so more or less I got to know more about him. 

One point that I agree is that right now, I'm happy with my life and there's nothing I need to complain about. This makes him a successful leader who helped to transform Singapore from a third world country to a first world country. 

Simple things like: I get to wake up everyday in a peaceful country, I can go home late at night safely, I can leave my belongings in public for a period of time without having all my things stolen when I return, I can get to places with different modes of transportation easily, I get to receive education and even the fact that I have a home. 

All these wouldn't be possible if not for our pioneer generation and forefathers. I'm thankful to be reaping the benefits of what they painstakingly sow and there's never a day that I want to emigrate to another country, like really. I would love to travel around the world but ultimately, I'll still want to return somewhere I call home, Singapore. 

There will definitely be naysayers regarding this matter and obviously there will be bad and good sides to every thing/person but seriously, he has done a lot a lot for Singapore and he deserves our respect, especially Singaporeans'. 
{ So thank you Sir, for all that you have done for Singapore.
Singapore wouldn't have come this far without Yew!
Rest in Peace. }
#thankyouLKY #rememberingLKY 

// that being said. why do we always take things for granted. why does the nation only get united when such things happen? why do we only start to appreciate things/people when it's/they're gone. //

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