Thursday, March 19, 2015


Time is passing so fast everyday and right now it's the intense period where everybody is busy mugging/studying for the upcoming final year examination!! Gulpssss breathe in breathe out!!!

Have been thinking a lot lately and this semester's result will either make it or break it seriously man. However, I already sort of have a goal for myself? Like I hope I can improve to this particular grade for this semester as the huge improve will really mean a lot to me? Though ultimately, my real desired result is another result haha. Butttttt abit too high to attain looking at my current result. Sigh, 

I believe many people are studying their asses off for many reasons and one of them is probably to reach the expected gpa to qualify for the one sem student exchange. Yes, I'm aiming for it too but hahah that result is the desired but hard to attain result that I mentioned above. So..... I have sort of come to terms with it that if I can't reach it then so be it. At the very least I have to continue to improve from my previous gpa and that's what's most important currently! I need to see at least some improvements if not..... I think my heart will break...... real serious.

I've seen people who went for exchange and come back and like no big changes? During their exchange ofc they will post lots of beautiful pictures etc etc. But when they come back then like... nth already. They didn't talk much about it or so. It's just another added experience to themselves. As for those who didn't go, I also see that their life also normal just that they will be quite lonely when all their other friends are off for exchange. One example, my sister. She was accepted to go for the student exchange but last minute due to some stuffs she cancelled the offer and then ok what. Like we are still going to a lot of other countries on our own etc. Perhaps it's the rich experience from the one sem student exchange that entice people. However, almost everything in Singapore also requires a certain mark to be eligible to go this and that and that's so bad and unhealthy but no choice.

So.......... moral of the story is... I just need to keep improving on my own gpa and whether I get to go, it's another thing. I still can go to those countries next time whatttttt. Maybe can't go for the one semester exchange but can go the summer 6 weeks exchange? :) I must at least get to THAT gpa at the end of my 4 years haha!! Jiayou jiayou oh my goodness !! Everytime you ponder about such things and it actually makes you excited to study right??! Feel me? Hahaha but that drive will only last for about half an hour till the next time you think about it again HAHHA oops :P

Cutie daily encouragement :)

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